Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Jock - Reviving my confidence in riding

Back in September of 2014, I went to a horse yard which held the pony that Leanne was renting. His name was Jock, and I wish I knew my breed of horse - but I don't so sorry to disappoint.
(If you can spot what breed he is, please let me know!)

Jock was beautiful and so easy to ride. For someone who hasn't rode a horse in 10 years, Jock took things at a slow pace for me - almost like he knew how nervous I was. The first time I rode him, Leanne walked me around on the rope and took the rope off when I felt confident enough. I never knew how tough it was to direct a horse, finding a fine line between being stern yet listening to him. 

I bonded so much with Jock and really started to look forward to taking a trip down Yate to ride him with Leanne. However, there was one horse who was a youngster called Billy who I fell for instantly.

He was gorgeous - once again I can't recall the breed he is and I really need to ask Leanne for this info. I never rode him as he was too young - but I had never felt so at ease with a horse. He had the most beautiful temperament, he was so playful and friendly. I honestly felt such a connection with him.

Both Billy and Jock lived on this cute secluded yard just down a country lane in Nibley. Nearing the autumn, myself and Leanne would stroll down the lane and spend hours upon hours just brushing Jock or taking turns riding him or playing with Billy. I've had some really lovely memories there, although sadly I haven't seen Jock or Billy in so long as Leanne doesn't rent Jock anymore. However, in the summer months I will persuade her to go and visit him with me just because of the memories and how much we bonded with them.

Honestly, this experience really changed my view on horses. Before I went and saw Jock for the first time I was petrified of them, although when I was younger I used to ride horses every Saturday and it became my hobby. I grew close to a small dark brown pony whose name I cannot recall (sorry guys, my memory's crap!) but after a while I just stopped doing it and I slowly became more and more awkward and anxious around them - although I had never been extremely confident to start off with. The amount of times Leanne tried to get me to ride Molly, the mare she loaned before Jock and I chickened out last minute with is ridiculous. One time, I went to my Aunt & Uncle's yard where they sat me on a pony identical to Jock called Bounty to ride and I just froze up in shock and was removed off him immediately.

I wouldn't say I am completely over my nervousness of being around horses, but I have definitely improved, all it takes is the right horse and a little time! You can apply this to many things and I guess the message I'm trying to portray here is a cheesy one -
Just try everything at least twice. And if it doesn't work out then know that you put your heart and soul into that last chance and you gave it a good go.

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